Sunday, December 29, 2019

Goals of Executive Coaching Essay - 992 Words

Goals of Executive Coaching The principle of coaching is to provide the tools and practices which alter the client’s structure of interpretation (Flaherty, 2011). As a matter of convention, the traditional coaching relationship is generally focused on the achievement of specific executive related goals. The coaching process will normally address the individual behavior that causes managerial or personal conflict and attempt to modify that behavior. Today, one of the key roles of a leader is to help their subordinates modify their behavior to improve their productivity, contribute more to the growth of the company, and to become a peak performer within the organization (Kilburg, 1996). The coaching process is further designed to†¦show more content†¦The client must be ready and eager to buy-into the coaching agreement. The client must have a clear and defined goal that he or she wants to achieve. One of the most common detracting factors is an unmotivated or uncommitted client (Dagley, 2010). The client must also firmly trust and believe the coach will be able to assist in the attainment of their goals. Meetings between the client and the coach should be held to develop the foundation needed to prepare for the coaching process. The foundation of the process establishes a relationship anchored in trust, respect, communication, and conviction between both parties. The client may not be open to accepting what the coach has to offer or the client may have unrealistic expectations of what the coaching process can provide. These discrepancies should be discussed in the initial meetings between coach and client. If the differences are not overcome and continue, a negative coaching outcome is likely to occur. The Organization The demand for individualized developmental attention within organizations has created the need for executive coaching (Newsom Dent, 2010). The coach and the client should be aware of any systemic or cultural issues within the organization. The perception of coaching in the organization is a major predictor of success or failure of the coaching process. Senior management must buy in to the coaching initiative. Without this support, allShow MoreRelatedWe Start By Defining Executive Coaching Essay1388 Words   |  6 Pagesdefining executive coaching. Kilburg (1996) defines the executive coachee as a person who has management responsibility in an organization. He defines the coach as a consultant who uses behavioral techniques to help the executive coachee achieve a mutually defined set of goals. He defines the coaching relationship as a supportive relationship between the executive coachee and the coach. Finally, he defines the coaching goals as objectives to improve the executiv e coachee’s performance, executive coachee’sRead MoreOverview. Change Article. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Educate A Convict, Close A Prison Door - 1845 Words

Educate a Convict, Close a Prison Door /They’re trying to build another prison/ For you and me to live in/ Another prison system/ for you and me/ Minor drug offenders fill your prisons you don t even flinch/ All our taxes paying for your wars against the new non-rich/ They’re trying to build another prison/ for you and me to live in/ Another prison system/ For you and me/ All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased/ And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences/ They are building another prison, For you and I/ In 2001, Serj Tankian and Daron Malakian, members of the band System of a Down, wrote this song and it clearly shows whats wrong with our criminal justice system and the mass incarceration that it has caused. The prisons are unreasonably overcrowded due to mass incarceration in the United States; consequently, it is costing taxpayers billions of dollars a year to sustain this â€Å"lock them up and throw away the key† mentality, not to mention the millions of lives, of offenders and the families that are left in the communities, that have been affected in a negative way (Clear 1). The sad thing is that, since the end of 1974, over 34 million human beings have been processed through America’s criminal court system and close to 24 million children have been traumatized by the loss of a parent or even worse, both parents (Drucker 44). The growth rate of prisons, for close to a century (1880-1975), stayedShow MoreRelatedThe Effectiveness of Prison Education Rehabilitation Essay example1627 Words   |  7 Pages Education is not a fix all by any means, but it is the best start to solving the large literacy rates of US prisons. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Media and Sexuality Free Essays

I feel the embarrassment of women in advertising usually focus on women being considered as male sexual objects. The complete AXE campaign in commercials treats both men and women as dense idiots, and assumes that young men will believe that spraying crap on themselves will attract hot young women. The commercials has the man spraying magic cologne known as Axe, he becomes the sexual object of women’s desire. We will write a custom essay sample on Media and Sexuality or any similar topic only for you Order Now Literally hundreds of women are running through the Jungle hunting down a smell as their life depends on it. When they reach the meal, the prey, which is a man is spraying Axe all over his body. The sad part is how many guys fall for it. The advertising works. My teenage stepson has his cronies over constantly during the week and weekends. My basement known as the hangout smells like an Axe bomb Just got dropped. When their friends who are girls are coming over it is the worst, they put on twice as much. I basically want to suffocate myself in sweet smelling air fresheners, It reminds me of my high school experience when all the teen boys drowned themselves in Calvin Klein cologne. I have tried to ell them that they might be actually offending some of the girls, because they might have viewed the Axe commercial. Their response Is â€Å"No way man, chicks goes crazy over this stuff. Are men really senseless enough to believe that If they spray themselves with something In a can that beautiful women as defined by the media will intensely throw themselves at them? The commercial shows attractive women tackling down guys that spray It on but It also makes guys look like Idiots because In real life no one believes putting on a cheap body spray will attract anyone. It concern me because guys who has low self esteem or are suffering from not being attracted to women are desperate enough to buy Axe products. In the Harden’s ad, well-known celebrity, Kim Sardinian, Is and Is shown eating one of the hamburger chain’s salads. There are two strategies going on In the ad. The first one Is the use of a celebrity to sell the product, and the second one Is the plan that uses sex appeal. The low cut dress shows off Christian’s full cleavage, and the spotlight seems to be on that feature Instead of the focus merchandise, the salad. The media plays sexuality because Its market led; they give people what they want, when they want It. For men, beauty In women Is very Important, for women beauty In men Is less. A man can be considered very attractive by women without being particular handsome, or handsome at all. Media and Sexuality By sprightliness’s have viewed the Axe commercial. Their response is â€Å"No way man, chicks goes crazy over this stuff. Are men really senseless enough to believe that if they spray themselves with something in a can that beautiful women as defined by the media cackling down guys that spray it on but it also makes guys look like idiots because in celebrity, Kim Sardinian, is and is shown eating one of the hamburger chain’s salads. There are two strategies going on in the ad. The first one is the use of a celebrity to sell the product, and the second one is the plan that uses sex appeal. The that feature instead of the focus merchandise, the salad. The media plays sexuality because its market led; they give people what they want, when they want it. For men, beauty in women is very important, for women beauty in men is less. A man can be How to cite Media and Sexuality, Papers