Thursday, February 27, 2020

Deforestation In the amazon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Deforestation In the amazon - Essay Example Agriculture is major factor influencing deforestation in the Amazon as individuals consider it a necessity for life to prosper on the planet. Before, age the Amazon rainforest was protected because individuals were hunters and gatherers hence did not venture into farming. However, changing times has forced individuals and the government to make unwise concession to allow the food growth into the region is a main source of rainfall. Allowing food growth to sustain life does not mean that major sites like the Amazon rain forest should be destroyed. Unfortunately that has been reason behind the deforestation activities going on around the Amazon. The rainforest is slowly being lost as the land in which it is based is being cleared by individuals to enable them practice agriculture in the region. Different land clearing techniques which care harmful to the environment and to the rainforest like slush and burn have been adopted by individuals and are used in clearing the Amazon forest (Ca mpari 2). The slash and burn technique is a cheap way of clearing land in preparation for agricultural activities. Individuals living around the Amazon use it to cut down trees and clear bushes before setting fire on the area to get rid of the cut and cleared trees and bushes. It is also an efficient way which has been proved to be cause of the deforestation in the Amazon as very little costs is associated with accomplishing the tasks. In addition, the situation is further aggravated by the lack proper techniques for farming leading to a speedy desert formation in the Amazon area which for centuries has been considered to be full of fauna and flora life (Campari 83). Moreover, over the last year, the Amazon rainforest experienced an increased rate of forest fires caused by the slush and burn used by the locals in the region. Additionally, individuals keeping cattle have also

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Heiress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Heiress - Essay Example By giving the buttons to Morris, I believe she was ending the relationship between her and Morris. I think the button symbolizes greed by Morris, as well as generosity of Catherine. This is a decision she makes with finality. The effect of bringing Catherine as a bold lady who was timid at the beginning of the play creates more realism to the play. I believe the actions of Catherine in the last scene were more definitive on liberation rather than an absolute bitterness reaction. She also appears to have begun to resemble her father through understanding the reality of what she went through. From the body language, voice and attitude, it becomes apparent that Catherine completely transformed at the end of the play. This play empowers women. It highlights on liberation from stifling relationships. Catherine appears strong enough to lead her own life without Morris as she ascends with a dreamy smile. The desertion of Morris and Catherine’s father’s rejection of him makes it conclusive that Catherine’s father was